Core Design Principles
A macro framework I have found helpful and employ to help evaluate and inform design decisions.
1. Ruthlessly Evaluate the Job to Be Done.
Test your assumptions. Design and test your work with real people. Observe behaviour and gather evidence. Work with subject experts and existing research. Validate you instincts.
2. Iterate Constantly (and Smartly).
Get into market, test, learn, talk to customers and adapt. Build library that allow getting into market to test hypothesis quicker. Don’t be afraid to throw things away.
3. Trust + Reliability = Usability
The product has to work well. Don’t underestimate small details impact on customer’s perception of the experience. Every touchpoint matters.
4. Tap Into Paradigms
We don’t need to recreate the wheel every time we build. Research can be your best friend. Once you’ve established paradigms within your design system, make sure you adhere to them.