Pond5 Marketplace (Acquired by SSTK)

I was brought in to re-orient the company towards design thinking upon close of their $61M Series A. The results of this investment spoke for itself — usage skyrocketed and revenue increased nearly 10x throughout a 3 year period. Acquired by Shutterstock for $210mm.

The P5 Design Studio

We built out a full-service studio to enable product design, brand design, marketing design and strategy for the entire organization.

Main Responsibilities Included:

A Complete Re-Imagining

The first task upon being hired was to work with our agency partners and re-launch the entire Pond5 experience. From there we re-oriented the internal team to maintain and scale.


Create With Us ended up being the brand mantra that we embraced as an artist-first company and community.

Membership - A New Core Product

The membership offering allowed for unlimited downloads of a premium collections for a very affordable monthly fee. This product ultimately drove additional revenue in the mulitple single-digit $MM range.

Searching and Filtering With AI

We completely re-organized the search results page. One of the coolest features we designed for was a search implementation of filter by images with similar visual characteristics.

We did extensive usability testing to insure that the changes we were making had the positive effect intended.


E-mail Ecosystem

We created and executed a complex e-mail strategy from the ground up.


Adobe Premiere Add-On

To help video editors with their workflow, Pond5 partnered with Adobe to create an add-on that let users search and download from Pond5 directly within Premiere Pro.

Download the final product here.

Check out pond5.com.


MSG Venue App


NY Knicks Digital